Thursday, September 18, 2008

Journey from Jabalpur to Chandigarh

I was Science Talent Student with Govt Science College,Jabalpur.I attended my first Summer School at Deptt of Physics,P U Chandigarh (May 1971).My Project Partner was Miss MMM.Dogra Pankaj Verma from Ludhiana was also member of that Summer School.Head of the Physics Deptt was Dr Harnam Singh Hans who was around that time was being gifted CYCLOTRON from Harward or so.He appealed to all Science Talent students across the country attending Summer Programme there to join his Deptt at P U.And the lure of the lady and AAS(Always At my-her Service)friend Pankaj plus Cyclotron sufficiently accelerated this particle called Dogra G P Namdeo to reach to this conclusion that if ther is any Institute worth persuing ur pure Noble Prize instinct in "Neutron Diffusion"(1974 or so Noble in Physics on this very topic went to one Abdul Hamid something from Pakistan alongwith one American).
No sooner i returned from Chandigarh i declared my intentions to my parents & College/Jabalpur University Professors that i will leave for Deptt of Physics P U Chandigarh.I also received a letter from there as late as third week of July that still one seat is vacant for u.Ivisited the V C of Jabalpur University that my Ist yr result should be immediately sent to P U Chandigarh(Jabalpur University Exams & results were notoriously very late those days because of year long Students' strikes-for any thing to everything- we used to enter into indefinite strike).V C advised me against joining P U that lot of regional bias will be there and i won't get due credit-justice,whereas here at my own Jabalpur Universe My Gold-Medal in B Sc as well as in M Sc were guranteed.
To which i said bullshit ur university is closed for the whole year and the opportunity for Scientific pursuit wan NIL.In my hearts to heart my only pursuit at that time was MMMM.